Tuesday, April 13, 2010

feelin' tha film

sooo i basically took my film camera on random outings during the week and took whatever i thought would be cool. I always had my friend reena with me so she is in most of the pics but i got some other cool ones too! loved it :)

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Manufactured Landscape
i really liked this movie! it showed us China in a way that ive never seen before. Watching the part about the sweatshops and the amount of work that was put into everything they did was breathtaking! I never knew there are so many people that do that job all day everyday.. its insane. the photographer throughout the movie was very good. his work showed china in a very tasteful way and didn't look down on the city for any of its flaws. alot of his shots were panoramic and fullframe .. they were perfectly shot and made viewers want to see more! it was hard to watch the movie with there not being alot of background music or commentary throughout the scenes but definitely interesting and gave a whole new perspective on china

One Hour Photo
this movie was super creepy! expected it to be somewhat crazy but wow.. how obsessed Mr Robin Williams became with the family was scary but from working in a lab myself i can totally make the connection with how he felt about it. you so easily see the pictures of the same people, some that come in almost daily.. its so easy to learn about someone's life through pictures

Born into Brothels
by FAR my favorite movie! so absolutely incredible what these kids go through and how they still manage to keep a smile on their faces. to see them with a camera, photographing how they see life and what they come up with is also amazing. all of the kids are so good with the camera and whatever they are taught by the teacher they use to be better! i cant stop thinking about this moviee.. tempted to watch it again! :)

Thursday, January 7, 2010

DT: non school shots .. check it!

christmas .. christmas .. christmas .. came and gone. didn't even feel like it but it happened so fast. i spent most of my time working, it sucked. worked christmas day and even new years day .. along with a bunch of days in between.. so my shooting opportunities were pretty limited.
i shot at my church for there bethlehem LIVE production which took up 3 days but went very well and i made some good money off ittt. then i was asked to shoot at a few clubs AND get paid for it, so i jumped right on that! shot one night at an event and then on new years.. last minute was asked to shoot at 2 different clubs that night. mannnn.. it was so busy! but its been so nice making money for my work and having people like and appreciate it. i did manage to spend some quality time with my dads side of the family which the group picture as well as the pics of my aunts and cousin and my aunt with our dogs. there's now 4 dogs in the family.. they have taken over as the new cousins and get ALLLL the attention at any family event. its lame..
.. how can i forget! i got my 50d the week after christmas. i love it. it loves me.. we have a perfect friendship that i could never imagine my life without :)