Friday, September 18, 2009

i love people.
i love to photograph the expressions of someones face since it tells so much about them.
i love to show the different styles and colours people think they can pull off.. and know they look good no matter what.
i love to shoot people in different places .. on the beach, at the forks, in different churches, in my basement or driving in the car with the windows down..
photography is someone telling a story with pictures
how cool would it be if someone took there camera with them all day, everyday and took pictures of everything they did from the morning till night! you would see so much of there lives including the people they see, life at work, the struggles and good times throughout the day..
Even tho shooting people is the biggest passion of mine, ive also enjoyed doing alot of closeup stuff.. flowers, my dogs, sunsets, random things placed on the ground or in a tree that can only be explained through a picture. 'love to get down n dirty' to show the detail and expression in different subjects and get different effects with the shadows, lighting and colours around me. I want to be exposed to all the styles of photography and have that as an advantage when becoming a photographer.

In coming here to prairieview i plan to soak everything in! i want to learn all i can and gain so much experience and contact with everyone here. After this week ive learned so much about shooting and timing for pictures and having deadlines and the stress of mixing school with work but its allowed me to grow and i can only imagaine what it will be like at the end of this year!

HMMmm my best photography memory would maybe beeeee ... its corny, but when i won the photography award at convication. i didnt have any expectation that i would win it even though a few of my friends kept bugging me about it. so the day of convication i looked at the list of names and my name was on it for digital work and another thing that i dont remember.. but i definitely didnt think it was for the full award. when my name was called i was in so much shockk.. was shaking forsure and had to look out on more then a thousand people while i said thank you and got my picture taken. :| but it was the best feeling everrrrr.. made my year of hard work soo worth it and its inspired me to persue my love of photography

holla atcha guurl


  1. Hello Becca!!!
    i enjoyed reading your blog. It was very interesting knowing what you are interested in learning and what you enjoy shooting. I've seen your work so I can see why you won an award.
    Keep up the good work and keep learning :D

  2. Long post! but I enjoyed reading it. I like the photo you have with it, it looks like a add for clothing, I expected the yellow writing to read a clothing line or something. Very Nice!

  3. Suup!
    I agree with Ashley, def looks like an ad. Good Job! You should definitely do a "A day in the life of Beccalicious" How cool would it be if that was one of our assignments and we had to carry our cameras with us everywhere we go. Have to take a picture every half an hour so. On flickr there's a group where you take a picture a day for a year. It was pretty rad! Check it out. Back to the point though, your work is amazing and I can't wait to learn from you more about capturing peoples emotions in pictures. You'll manage with school and work somehow, It'll be fine!
    Ps. You make my day!
