Friday, December 4, 2009

AT11.2: Karsh

i love this picture. i love the way the Queen and Prince Philip are positioned and the contrast with them wearing black and white along with the background. the background behind them is busy with alot of props and could be a bit distracting.. but it works since it shows a part in there ridiculous mansion they live in. the picture is exposed perfectly with showing both there faces not too dark and not too light. it seems like the picture is lit with natural lighting.. possibly from a window they could be looking at. the light is soft and doesn't distract from the shot Karsh was going for.

I really enjoyed going to the wag, there's so much to see there and its not everyday you get to appreciate the work of other incredible artists and photographers from our past and present. Karsh's exhibit was probably the coolest compared to Richard Harrington's for the variety of celebrities and the stories written about them when trying to get the perfect shot. The amount of people Karsh worked with was incredible.. i would love love love to work with anyone and everyone! To have that many people in your portfolio would be too sweet

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Colour Block

I'm obsessed with colour. i love to experiment with it and the more i play around with it the more effects i see it has on my pictures. the brighter the colour, the happier it seems to be. people are more attracted to bright colours as well.. so you're able to get a bigger audience looking at your work. darker colours are for a darker crowd.. i find that alot of the same types of people like the darker side of photography.
Lately ive been experimenting with the "dark side".. and i really like the effect it has. photography doesnt always have to be happy and its a way to show how your feeling or somtimes what your going through.
Colour is a part of me and i love how many ways you can work with it in every picture you take

Thursday, October 29, 2009

CI's trip to the zooo

holy nuts it was chillay! found that made it hard to shoot but never the less was a good time. we got lost for probably 10 minutes.. walking around in the same circle looking for a way out! allll i could do was laugh.. nothing more, nothing less! got a few goodies before it started to rainn.. that squirrel was seriously the coolest thing EVER!! did the same flip a billion times but was never boring.. wow.. wut a life to do flips all day and all night.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Annie Leibovitz is my hero ..

“John Mayer”

technical aspects: b&w – rule of thirds – background is simple but is textured – body language fills more then half the frame – shows tattoos diagonally so it looks balanced – hand is cut off but not too much.

Love this shot! Love his body position and the look on his face.. it makes a strong statement. This gives him a “tough guy” look and it works so well even though John Mayer is a pretty laid back guy and his music is really relaxing and soft. It’s the strong light from the shadows on his face and body that creates this effect! This gives me a lot of ideas for my own photography for doing portrait work.. too shoot with that kind of lighting as well as the angle the shot is taken!

"Woman with guitar"

technical aspects: b&w - large depth of field - wide angle shot - rule of thirds.. not directly in the center.

Love this. has such a calm feeling to it. love the position of the model in the landscape, off center in front of the water. the guitar pops out. something your eye looks to first. her eyes closed also adds seriousness to the picture. the depth of field is funky. its all on the right side blurry and the rest is in focus.. I like how with this effect it puts the attention on the woman and makes the picture seem longer and adds depth to it. i like the style of this shot for the fact that its a person with a random guitar on a random field.. seems so late minute, like she was placed there with not alot of thought behind it.. but it works so perfect! i like this for my own photography for the simplicity. a picture doesn't have to have everyone and everything in it to make it work.. the less the better.. it can have a stronger effect and meaning behind it.


technical aspects: b&w - wide angle - framing - rule of thirds.. with the construction men - its an "airplane" view.. from a very high position to give the effect.

Love the angle of this shot. love how your looking down on a busy street and can clearly read the signs and see the cars along with the tiny people. it gives a whole different perspective on this scene when typically you would think the shot would be taken from the ground looking up. seeing this picture pushes me to expand my photography. to go stand on the top of buildings and take pictures with the craziest angles.. to go OUTSIDE the box! even though the railings and rods from the building are in the way, it creates a natural frame that brings the picture together.

Friday, October 9, 2009

ahh so cold.. so windy.. so blurry.. so beautiful.. my model.. janinee.. shes perfect! the lighting outside was perfect for shooting portraits and it was alot of funn! hopefully it doesnt get too much colder..OR Gabrielle can get us all mits for christmas :)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Home sweeeet Home

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i really liked this assignment! finding things around home were super easy and fun at the same time.. while eating supper i sat across the table from my dad and tried to take some pictures of him with the plates and cutlery was set up and his response was "are you going to photography school or something?" and promptly told me to put my camera away and eat dinnerr.. (he just doesnt the life of a photographer.. hay guys? haha)
when given these projects at home or all in the same spot.. *cough* the exchange *cough*.. places we've been exposed to everyday it can be a challenge to be creative in photographing the things we see everyday.. BUT its sooo helpful for us aspiring photographers to imagine beyond what the object is in front of us, and compose it in a way you wouldn't normally see. a chair is a chair... usually boringg.. nothing too crazyy.. sit on it everyday.. u know.. BUT if you can get low or even above it somehow and get a funky angle on it, playing with the shadows around it the chair can look super incredible and something you would want to sit on all day everyday!
yes no maybe?

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

100 shots !?

i found the 100 shots to be hard but fun at the same time!
i picked a spot that i had seen while going to the uofm last year where there were a bunch of old signs and just random stuff everywhere.. i placed my items in this mess and took different angles of it.
it was cool to think up the different angles and lighting situations to put the items in throughout the chaos but after 50 it gets harder to be creative.. reallly good assignment to push yourself to think under pressure! but i can think of so many ways to do it over again with different objects and to make it 100 times better!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

liness .. here there and everywhurrr!

this assignment wasn't hard to find the lines, but to find something different and original was a bit of a struggle.
playing with shadows and the lighting from the sun on different objects was a lot of fun!
especially when the light was hitting it just right
theres the typical traintracks shot but i tried to play with the lighting from the sun to give it a different effect
found a couple wicked cars with cool stripes.. stood out like crazy on the parking lot
a couple of my favorite shots were of my friends .. not suprised!?
i know..
but the first one was with these WICKED..WICKEdd vines that i saw on the side of this building.
we were jus driving and i was like "omg were stopping RIGHT now!"
i told her to stand between the vines and the pics turned out soo good.
the lines were too cool and it framed her body SO welll.
then my second pic is of my other homie!
we were down osborne and there some crazy lines on the side of the building
so i told her to stand beside them, got a funky angle on her and the lines and took the shot
turned out super good.

think the challenge of lines is to get a different angle on them then what you would typically see..
ESPECIALLY using the light!

till next time..

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Friday, September 18, 2009

i love people.
i love to photograph the expressions of someones face since it tells so much about them.
i love to show the different styles and colours people think they can pull off.. and know they look good no matter what.
i love to shoot people in different places .. on the beach, at the forks, in different churches, in my basement or driving in the car with the windows down..
photography is someone telling a story with pictures
how cool would it be if someone took there camera with them all day, everyday and took pictures of everything they did from the morning till night! you would see so much of there lives including the people they see, life at work, the struggles and good times throughout the day..
Even tho shooting people is the biggest passion of mine, ive also enjoyed doing alot of closeup stuff.. flowers, my dogs, sunsets, random things placed on the ground or in a tree that can only be explained through a picture. 'love to get down n dirty' to show the detail and expression in different subjects and get different effects with the shadows, lighting and colours around me. I want to be exposed to all the styles of photography and have that as an advantage when becoming a photographer.

In coming here to prairieview i plan to soak everything in! i want to learn all i can and gain so much experience and contact with everyone here. After this week ive learned so much about shooting and timing for pictures and having deadlines and the stress of mixing school with work but its allowed me to grow and i can only imagaine what it will be like at the end of this year!

HMMmm my best photography memory would maybe beeeee ... its corny, but when i won the photography award at convication. i didnt have any expectation that i would win it even though a few of my friends kept bugging me about it. so the day of convication i looked at the list of names and my name was on it for digital work and another thing that i dont remember.. but i definitely didnt think it was for the full award. when my name was called i was in so much shockk.. was shaking forsure and had to look out on more then a thousand people while i said thank you and got my picture taken. :| but it was the best feeling everrrrr.. made my year of hard work soo worth it and its inspired me to persue my love of photography

holla atcha guurl